Become a Member of LCBBIA
The Lancaster County Bed and Breakfast Inns (LCBBIA for short!) is Lancaster County’s oldest Association of B&B owners with nearly 30 years of leading the co-marketing of our member inns to the industry.
The purpose of this Association shall be to serve both as a marketing organization to promote wider visitation to Lancaster County and to the member inns of this Association and as an educational and support organization for the membership.
If you are a B&B owner in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, becoming part of the LCBBIA “family of B&Bs” might be of interest to you and your business.
Below are the benefits of joining LCBBIA:
- As a member of LCBBIA your property is featured on and your listing will features a full color picture, description of your property, a link to your website and the ability to book online reservations through your reservations account.
- The Association is a member of the Discover Lancaster organization and as such your property is included in there through the LCBBIA listing. Additionally we work with the team at DL on providing advertising opportunities as well as periodic updates on the outlook for tourism in the County
- You will get the chance to interact with our very experienced member inns for questions and discussions around the B&B industry. Our B&B owners total over 300 years of combined experience in the Lancaster County lodging business.
- And you get to participate in the marketing opportunities of the Association as a volunteer on one of our sub-committees.
For a brief overview, here is a summary of our by-laws that you’d be interested to know:
- Serve as a professional marketing organization to promote Bed and Breakfast Inns in Lancaster County for the purpose of Association gain, rather than individual member properties and as such should be designed to promote member properties through joint special events: e.g. paid advertising, referrals and seasonal tours.
- Provide educational and support opportunities for member innkeepers.
- Benefit from each other’s expertise.
- Provide guidelines and encourage high standards of hospitality, service and quality for guests.
- Engage in sound and ethical business practices.
- Monitor legislative action impacting our industry.
- Communicate with other organizations that subscribe to similar goals.
- Support the membership through collective action with national, state and local regulatory agencies.
- Meetings shall be held four (4) times per year.
If you are interesting knowing more about us please email us by clicking here.